
Psychological assessments  and support for you, your family and organisation

Assessment. Treatment. Support

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    • 15+ Years experience
    • Confidential
    • Tailored solutions
    • Diverse experience
    • We can travel to you
    • Accredited


    Our professionals provide counselling services to adults and adolescents who are facing personal issues in any context. We believe that no issue is too big or small to resolve. If you feel stuck and are unable to move forward, visiting a Psychologist is your first step to resolving your dilemma.


    Depression – Beyond feeling Blue

    It can be easy to dismiss what is happening as temporary or just a minor setback.

    Without appropriate intervention, depression is known to affect a number of important areas in your life, including: work performance and attendance, physical health, sleep patterns, relationship and general participation in things you used to find enjoyable.

    Don’t suffer alone and contact our staff to start your journey to feeling happy.


    Anxiety – When to seek help

    Anxiety can be crippling and adversely affect a number of areas in your life. Anxiety disorders not only affect your mental health but has been shown to adversely affect physical health.

    And if you have an already existing illness or medical condition, anxiety disorders can exacerbate your symptoms so that you remain unwell

    If you are finding that your anxiety has caused you to feel trapped, isolated, and fearful on a daily basis then it is time to take action.


    Stress – Process not a diagnosis

    Stress is not always a bad thing. Some people thrive on stress and even need it to get things done. However, chronic stress can have long term negative effects on our physical and mental health.

    Learning to manage stress in a healthy way is a fundamental psychological skill with enormous potential benefits, physically, psychologically and in terms of the quality and effectiveness of your life.

    Our experienced staff will work with you to help you navigate through life’s challenges and help you develop healthy strategies than can be utilised no matter what life throws at you.


    Anger Management

    If you’ve ever struggled with anger, you are probably familiar with the feeling of regret that follows an outburst.

    Unexpressed or inappropriately expressed anger can create MANY negative consequences ranging from isolation from family or friends, to job loss and problems with the law.

    If you’ve tried to deal with how you express your anger and disappointments withno lasting results, then it might be time to give us a call and arrange an appointment for a confidential assessment.

    Our experts will work closely with you and help you identify your triggers, and teach you methods of managing your internal and external responses.


    Self Esteem

    Although people are often described as having self esteem that is either ‘high’ or ‘low’, many people find that their self esteem varies depending on the situation, or even day-to-day.

    If you are experiencing these sorts of ‘ups and downs’ please know that you are not alone.


    Parenting Support

    Parenting is often considered both the toughest and most rewarding experience we can have in life. So much goes into raising a family in today’s complex world, that it is no wonder people many feel ill-equipped to handle a variety of the challenges involved. We are constantly bombarded with information of what we should and should not do.

    We can help you feel more in control of your parenting style and your child.


    Mental health has
    become a major
    cause for concern in
    today’s society


    Of all workers comp claims are for Mental Disorders


    One in seven Australians will experience depression in their lifetime


    Average spent on claims for Mental Disorders


    One in five Australians aged 16-85 years has a mental disorder