Contemporary data highlights that mental health issues are on an upward trend in the workplace, which signifies a compelling need for organisations to implement Employee Assistance Programs.


💡1 in 5 employees will face a significant personal or professional problem that will disrupt their lives and their productivity.

EAP – The benefits to your organisation

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are independent professional services provided to employees to assist them in managing their work-life issues. EAPs greatly benefit employers, since they not only demonstrate a commitment to the welfare to its employees but also directly assist by finding solutions for employees who struggle with aspects of their life that could undermine their health, wellbeing and work performance. EAPs are generally considered to reduce corporate costs associated with absenteeism, lost productivity, underperformance and higher turnover.

4 good reasons your organisation should give serious consideration to introducing an EAP service:

1. Builds a positive work environment and improved productivity.

☑Employees who are unfocussed due to their personal issues lose motivation to produce quality work. These staff may utilise more sick days to escape the scrutiny of their on-the-job performance. Quite obviously this can both adversely affect your organisation, but also impact on the morale of other employees, who will also bear unfavourable workload issues.


☑ When a staff member is confronted with a high level of stress, their work behaviours can become more problematic and challenging at work, again leading to less organisational cohesion.


☑ EAP can assist employees to manage their private issues that might also unfavourably impact on their performance at work. It is not uncommon for staff to have to deal with depression, marital breakdowns, and grief associated with the loss of family or friends. An EAP can help staff resolve their concerns or problems so that these matters don’t intrude on their work and undermine their job performance.


2. Positive return on investment for employers


  • Based on a study conducted by the Australian Human Right Commission, they identified that for every dollar used to identify and support people with mental illness in the workplace, there is approximately a 500% return in enhanced productivity.


3. Leads to Increased Retention of Valued Employees

    • A positive work environment is a key factor in retaining talented employees.


4. Helps you save money


  • A current PwC report assessed the nationwide costs incurred by employers who fail to take action to manage mental health conditions in the workplace:
    • ☑ Absenteeism costs employers $4.7 billion a year – equivalent to 1.1 million days’ sick leave 
    • ☑ Presenteeism (turning up to work but not being able to be productive) costs employees $6.1 billion a year. The level of presenteeism depends on the severity of your employee’s mental health. Those that are not provided treatment early and develop severe symptoms, end up costing organisations around 378 hours presenteeism per year. Those that develop mild symptoms are estimated to cost 30 hours of presenteeism per year.


Contact us and see if EAP is right for your organisation. 


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