As a parent, you play a vital role in supporting your child’s learning journey, and having a conversation about dyslexia is an important step in that process. By approaching this discussion with care and understanding, you can help your child embrace their unique learning style and overcome any challenges they may face.

When it comes to sharing the news of dyslexia with your child, it’s important to consider a few key factors:

1. Age and Maturity Level:

Take into account your child’s age and current level of maturity. Tailor the conversation to their understanding and ensure that the information you give is appropriate for their developmental stage.


2. Emotional Considerations:

Recognize that this conversation may stir various emotions in your child. They might feel confused, frustrated, or even relieved to have an explanation for their struggles finally. Be prepared to offer support, empathy, and reassurance throughout the discussion.


3. Answering Questions:

Anticipate the questions your child might ask and consider your responses in advance. Providing clear, honest, and age-appropriate answers can help alleviate their concerns and foster understanding.


4. Building on Previous Knowledge:

If you have already introduced the term “dyslexia” to your child in the past, use this opportunity to expand their understanding. Explain dyslexia as a different way of learning that presents unique challenges and comes with strengths and talents.


Remember, this conversation begins a journey, and the most important aspect is how you support and guide your child moving forward. Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

1. Focus on Strengths:

Encourage your child to recognise their strengths and talents, emphasising that dyslexia does not define them. Share stories of successful dyslexic individuals who have achieved remarkable accomplishments in various fields, such as art, science, entrepreneurship, and sports.

2. Open Communication:

Encourage your child to seek support and discuss challenges in an open environment. Let them know you are there to listen, understand, and advocate for their needs.


This is a beginning of your journey and remember “as parents and primary carers of our children, we know them best. We know what motivates them, what scares them, what inspires them and most importantly how to show them love and respect. The issue of whether we tell our child they are dyslexia or not, is not as critical as what we do about it”.


More power to you and your child!




    • “Dyslexia: A Teenager’s Guide” by Sylvia Moody is a great book for teenagers to read themselves or perhaps with their parents. It helps young people to understand their dyslexia, their learning profiles, and suggest learning strategies which may help. It gives young people the tools to self-manage their dyslexia.

There are also lots of videos to watch including:





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